The Arty Soaper
Posted by Titanium Wild , 1 March 2010 10:04:00 pm
So, now I've come to posting this introduction to my blog, I'm suddenly lost for words. The problem lies with trying to describe who, or rather what, I am. Am I an artist who makes soap, or a soaper with artistic ambitions? I suppose I am a bit of both. Painting is something I love, something I dream about, something I wish I was better at. Making soap is something I love, something that keeps me busy when my artistic muse is taking a break, something that still allows me to be creative when I get the jitters looking at a blank piece of paper and am too scared to proceed.
I haven't painted anything for almost 2 years, and getting back in the saddle is proving to be a challenge.
I last made a batch of soap a few days ago, and am already thinking about what I can do to improve my recipe, improve the finished article, make it better.
There are parallels there.
So, until I decide what, and who, I am, I'll describe myself as The Arty Soaper, and take it from there.
I completely believe that you can be a soaping artist. I don't like to use moulds that give a predefined shape/size/design. I like to use my rectangular moulds and create something inside that shape - I can try to control what happens within that shape but sometimes the soap decides for itself. What I love is that each slice is different from the next - each a practical piece of artwork in itself.